Will was supposed to get his senior photos taken last year, but unfortunately they were delayed due to the pandemic. But his mom really wanted some pictures of her camera-shy son. So, when Will was home from his first year at college, he was a good sport — and a good son — and agreed to a session. (The promise (bribe) of pizza and donuts afterward probably helped too ;)

Since Will is an accomplished swimmer, and has already finished his first year of college, we incorporated a little bit of everything! We spent the first half in his element at the pool and the second half among the unique settings and buildings of downtown Bartlesville. 

He was totally at home in the pool, and I had so much fun taking action photos. One of my favorite moments from the day was seeing his different swim caps lined up showing the different stages of his swim career. Then we caught some perfect afternoon light around downtown Bartlesville and the Depot Train. 

Despite not being super excited about getting pictures taken, what guy is ;) … Will turned out to be a total natural and made the job easy! They may have been a year in the making, but the pictures that came out of this were so great. I’d love for families of high school seniors to consider a follow-up session to capture how their kiddos changed after an exciting first year at college!

Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Swimmer Session at Pool in Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography
Senior Guy Session in Downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma by Kristi Bray Photography