For many engaged couples this year, the pandemic is throwing an unexpected wrench into many plans and dreams. This wedding was no exception with a forced change in date and location and the absence of many guests. It was sad to realize so many aspects that couldn't go as planned but we were thankful the wedding could still happen and just in time! With only two days advance notice, for the couple and myself, it was a miracle to see how everything unfolded just perfectly, including wonderful weather with no wind or rain! And due to an accidental wrong turn on my drive there, I found a beautiful blossoming tree with pink flowers that I was completely unaware of before that moment. It provided the perfect backdrop for some of their couple portraits. I have no doubt there was a higher power in control of this wedding and marriage :)

I am so grateful to have been able to capture their intimate ceremony and celebration, as just days later I was forced to temporarily close by business due to state restrictions. Considering how fast the situation and rules changed, the entire event could have easily been cancelled. Thankfully the stars aligned and this sweet couple was able to take their vows among the closest of family and make it official before God and man. What a lovely day to be a part of and I enjoyed getting to know them and their wonderful family. Congratulations and enjoy these memories as you begin your new journey together!