If you live in Oklahoma or watched any news last month … you know that we received a significant amount of rainfall resulting in devastating flooding for many parts of the state. So many homes, businesses, and parks were affected by the large amounts of rain and overflowing rivers. Brian and Leah’s wedding was originally going to be held at Clyde Lake, Woolaroc but unfortunately the flooding affected Woolaroc as well. With only three days notice, Woolaroc had to cancel. Without any backup plans in place, all seemed lost. I felt so bad for my couple and prayed that a better solution would arise, and fast!

Looking back now, I believe that God was watching over this wedding all along and he had even better plans in store! As soon as I heard the bad news I frantically tried to think of alternative venues hoping that something nice might be available, even on such a short notice. What I believe was inspiration, I remembered helping at an event last year at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church when they so graciously hosted the hospitality room during the statewide Oklahoma teacher walkout. It’s the same church where Ree and Ladd Drummond were married, known for it’s beautiful gray stonework and iconic red doors. In the back of my mind I always hoped to photograph a wedding there someday :)

I found the church’s number online and was thrilled when a real person answered the phone in the middle of a Friday morning! And not just a real person, but a very kind and gracious lady who was eager to help! With literally 24 hours until the scheduled wedding my couple was able to book this wonderful new venue. It was an absolute miracle and I’m so grateful that I was able to help them find a new location! The church included a beautifully landscaped courtyard for the ceremony and pictures, a large hall equipped for food and dancing, and most importantly air conditioned space to escape the summer heat and humidity! Clyde Lake didn’t offer any indoor space, so in the end it was even better than the original location and the flooding just might have been a blessing in disguise :)

As I shared in their engagement post, Brian and Leah first met in person among mutual friends and then later met again online! A story that shows it was obviously meant to be :) They were already legally married and have a sweet baby daughter, but due to his military service and deployment they had to wait many months before they could have a traditional wedding. I can imagine the anticipation!

Finally after the stress of finding a new venue at the last minute, and the possible threat of rain, the day arrived and we were blessed with only a few minutes of showers followed by partly cloudy skies and calm winds. We were so very grateful!

The wedding was intimate with only their closest family and friends. You could tell they had some pretty special friends who would do anything to be there and share this once in a lifetime event with them. Brian wore his official uniform from the marines which Leah had actually never seen him in before. This made their first look extra special! She looked perfect and it was a very sweet moment to experience and capture.

The groomsmen were a delight and so easy to coach during pictures. One of them served with Brian in the military, and he was so polite! “Yes Mam” was his response to all my posing cues, which made me smile :) Definitely don't forget to check out the picture of the patriotic socks that Leah bought for all the guys ;) The bridesmaids looked so beautiful and I loved their elegant and timeless gray colored gowns.

The sweetest part of the ceremony was watching their baby girl walk up the aisle with her aunt. She was an angel during the ceremony and after the final kiss, she joined her parents for their grand exit. It was so cute!

The decor was simple and elegant with a country flair. Tree stumps holding mason jars filled with fresh flowers lined the aisle. I loved it! I was also in heaven during the reception when the DJ played a variety of country songs. An Arizona native, and now in Oklahoma, I’m a country girl at heart and love that genre of music!

I will be forever grateful for the turn of events that occurred after what seemed like a devastating loss. I was honored to be a part of capturing memories that they can relive and enjoy for years to come. Congratulations to Brian and Leah!

Vendor Acknowledgements:

Venue - St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Bartlesville

DJ - cgentertainmentdj.com

Cake - C.A.K.E. by Lissa Rinta